As followers of Jesus, we should always be sharing our faith with those around us. There are now around 2 billion Muslims in the world. Having some knowledge of the Qur’an can help open doors to understand them better. We will always rely on the Bible as our authority (2 Timothy 3:16), praying that it will speak to many (Romans 10:17) and draw them to Himself.
those who practice shirk (attribute a partner to Allah)
English translation = The Reference Qur’an (
Arabic word search = mushrik مشرك (SearchTruth.Com)
***** Indicates that the target word was not in the Arabic
Disbelieving people of the book and idolaters do not want anything good to come down to you from your Lord. Allah assigns his mercy to whom he wills. Allah has great grace. (2:105)
They said, “Be Jews or Christians and you will be guided.” Say, “Rather the spiritual path of Ibrahim, a monotheist. He was not a polytheist.” (2:135)
Do not marry idolaters until they believe. A believing slave is better than a polytheist even if she pleases you. Do not give idolaters in marriage until they believe. A believing slave is better than a polytheist, even if he pleases you. They call for hellfire and Allah calls for the heavenly garden and forgiveness by his permission. He makes his signs clear to people, so that they may remember. (2:221)
Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a monotheist who submitted, and not a polytheist. (3:67)
Say, “Allah is true, so follow him, in the spiritual path of Ibrahim the monotheist. He was not a polytheist.” (3:95)
*****You will certainly be tested regarding your money and your souls and will certainly hear great harm from those previously given the book and from the idolaters. If you endure and are reverent, that is a determined matter. (3:186)
*****You will surely find those strongest in enmity toward the believers to be the Jews and the idolaters. You will surely find those closest in love to the believers to be those who say, “We are Christians.” This is because some of them are pastors and monks, and they are not proud. (5:82)
Say, “Shall I take a protector other than Allah, the creator of the heavens and the earth? He feeds and is not fed.” Say, “I was commanded to be the first one to submit: Do not be a polytheist.” (6:14)
******On the day when we gather them all, we will say to the idolaters, “Where are those other supposed gods?” (6:22)
Their tetation will only be that they will say, “[We swear] by Allah our Lord, we were not idolaters.” (6:23)
I have set my face to the creator of the heavens and the earth as a monotheist. I am not a polytheist.” (6:79)
******That is Allah’s guidance. He guides the servants he wills with it. If they had been idolaters, their works would have perished. (6:88)
Follow what was inspired to you by your Lord. He is the only god. Turn away from idolaters. (6:106)
If Allah had willed, they would not have been idolaters, and we would not have made you their keeper. You are not responsible for them. (6:107)
Do not eat what has not had Allah’s name mentioned over it. It is unbelief. Devils inspire their supporters to dispute with you. If you obey them, you are idolaters. (6:121)
Their partners make many idolaters pleased with killing their children, in order to destroy them and obscure their religion to them. If Allah had willed, they would not have done it, so let them and their lies alone. (6:137)
*****Idolaters will say, “If Allah had willed, we and our ancestors would not have been idolaters, and we would not have forbidden anything. This is howthose before them rejected, so they tasted our vengeance.” Say, “If you know anything, show us. You are following mere conjecture. You merely guess.” (6:148)
Say, “My Lord has guided me to a straight path, a right religion, the spiritual path of Ibrahim, monotheism. He was not a polytheist. (6:161)
[There is] blamelessness from Allah and his messenger toward those idolaters with whom you made a covenant, (9:1)
[There is] a proclamation from Allah and his messenger for people on the day of the great hajj, that Allah is guiltless toward the idolaters. Also his messenger. If you repent, it is better for you, and if you turn away, know that you cannot frustrate Allah. Give good news of painful torment to the disbelievers. (9:3)
The exception is the idolaters with whom you made a covenant, and who fulfilled all their obligations towards you and who did not assist anyone against you. Fulfill your covenant with them until it expires. Allah loves the reverent. (9:4)
And when the sacred months are finished, kill the idolaters wherever you find them; take them, surround them, and set all sorts of ambushes against them. If they repent and perform their prayers and pay the poor-tax, let them go. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (9:5)
If a polytheist seeks refuge with you, grant him asylum so that he can hear Allah’s word. Then take him to a place of safety. This is because they are people who do not know. (9:6)
How can idolaters have a covenant with Allah and with his messenger, except for those with whom you made a covenant at the sacred place of worship? As long as they are upright with you, be upright with them. Allah loves the reverent. (9:7)
Idolaters would not build Allah’s places of worship, while witnessing to their own disbelief. Their works are in vain, and they will remain in hellfire forever. (9:17)
Believers, idolaters are unclean. They are not to approach the sacred place of worship after this year of theirs. If youfear poverty, Allah by his grace will enrich you if he wills. Allah is all-knowing and wise. (9:28)
He sent his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to clarify all religion, even though the idolaters hate it. (9:33)
The number of months in Allah’s eyes is twelve months, in Allah’s book on the day he created the heavens and the earth. Four months are sacred. This is straight religion, so do not wrong yourselves in them, and fight all idolaters as they all fight you. Know that Allah is with the godfearers. (9:36)
The prophet and thebelievers would not ask for forgiveness for the idolaters, even if they were relatives, after it became clear that they were going to the blazing fire. (9:113)
“Turn your face to monotheistic religion, do not worship other gods, (10:105)
*****On the day we gather them all, we will say to the idolaters, “You and your partner gods, your place.” We separated them. Their partners said, “You did not worship us.” (10:28)
Most of them do not believe in Allah except as one of many gods. (12:106)
Say, “This is my path. I along with those who follow me pray to Allah with insight. May Allah he glorified! I am not a polytheist.” (12:108)
Expound what you have been commanded, and turn away from the idolaters. (15:94)
*****The idolaters said, “If Allah had willed, we and our ancestors would not have worshiped anything besides him, nor would we have sanctified anything besides him. Those before them did that. Are messengers responsible for anything beyond clear proclamation? (16:35)
*****When the idolaters see the gods they worshiped, they will say, “Our Lord, these are the ones we used to pray to besides you.” They countered, “You are liars.” (16:86)
His authority is over those who have turned to him as a helper, and the idolaters. (16:100)
Ibrahim was a nation devout to Allah and monotheistic. He was not a polytheist. (16:120)
Then we inspired you, “Follow Ibrahim’s spiritual path as a monotheist. He was not a polytheist. (16:123)
*******Allah will separate between the believers the Jews, the Sabeans, the Christians, the magi, and the idolaters on the day of resurrection. Allah witnesses everything. (22:17)
as monotheists who believe in Allah and no other gods. When someone worships other gods besides Allah, it is as if he falls down from heaven, and a bird catches him or the wind blows him far away. (22:31)
His authority is over those who have turned to him as a helper, and the idolaters. (16:100)
An adulterer should only marry an adulteress or a polytheist and an adulteress should only marry an adulterer or a polytheist. That is forbidden for believers. (24:3)
Do not let them block you from Allah’s signs after they were revealed to you. Invite [others] to your Lord and do not be a polytheist. (28:87)
as they turn toward him. Fear him, perform prayers, and do not became idolaters, (30:31)
Say, “Walk through the land and see what happened to those beforehand. Most of them were idolaters. (30:42)
so Allah will torment men and women hypocrites and men and women idolaters, but will accept the repentance of men and women believers. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (33:73)
When they saw our revenge, they said, “We believe in Allah alone, and we disbelieve in the gods we worshiped.” (40:84)
Say, “I am only a man like you who is inspired. Your god is one god, so be upright with him, and ask his forgiveness. Woe to worshipers of other gods, (41:6)
He has appointed the religion he commanded Nuh, what we inspired you with, and what we commanded Ibrahim, Musa, and Isa: practice religion and do not be divided in it. Those who worship other gods think what you call them to is big Allah chooses for himself those he wills, and guides those who repent to himself. (42:13)
that he may torment hypocritical men and women and polytheistic men and women, who wrongly think evil thoughts about Allah. They are encircled by evil. Allah is angry with them, has damned them. He has prepared hell for them, an evil destiny. (48:6)
He sent his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to explain all religion, even though the disbelievers hate it. (61:9)
In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful. The disbelievers among the people of the book and the idolaters were not separated until the miracle came to them. (98:1)
The disbelievers among the people of the book and the idolaters will be in the fires of hell forever. They are the most evil of all creatures. (98:6)
a note from the author:
The triune nature of God does not violate the oneness nor the uniqueness of God!
Some basic definitions:
- Singularity is the quality of the oneness of God, being the one and only God.
- Unicity is the quality of the uniqueness of God, being without equal, one-of-a-kind
- Triad describes a group of three gods
- Trinity describes three distinct persons with the exact same essence who are coequal and coeternal, and who exist together in perfect unity as the one and only true God
- Triune is the quality of the oneness of God that exists eternally in a triune nature
There is only one true God. If someone says there is more than one true God that is clearly not correct. The eternal nature of the only true God has always been triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has existed in this way for all eternity. This is not a Triad. The triune God is not three gods that came into existence at certain points in time. Neither is the triune God simply different manifestations of God.
The triune nature of God does not violate the oneness nor the uniqueness of the only true God! ‘Isa al-masih can show you the Straight Path if you follow him.