To know the only true God, honor and obey Him, and make Him known.
Following ‘Isa along the Straight Path

The Basics of Our Ministry
The Qur’an refers to Christians and Jews as “The People of the Book”. We are very content to be identified as followers of ‘Isa al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah) who base our life on the Word of God.
The fundamental components of our ministry:
- The focus is to bring glory to God alone.
- The foundation is the sufficiency and authority of the 66 Books of the Bible alone.
- Salvation is accomplished by the work of Jesus Christ alone, through God’s grace alone.
- Justification is by faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- Our primary mission is to clearly communicate the unchanging message of the Gospel.
- Our personal responsibility is to spend time with God every day in the Word and prayer, living in obedience to Him and fulfilling our role in the Body of Christ.
The People of the Book has two ministry websites:
One, in Spanish, is directed toward Christians to provide them with quality, free materials for evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, and family/marriage issues. This Christian site has a small section in English ( You can also find some great discipleship materials in Spanish at this site, a course put together by David Dawson.
The other site is also in Spanish, but is directed toward Muslims to present to them the message of ‘Isa, from the Word of God. The Muslim site will also be helpful for anyone who is ministering to Muslims in Spanish, or anyone desiring to know more about contextualized ministry to Muslims. ( Our use of the word “contexualized ministry” does not mean that we want to modify the message of the Gospel to make it more palatable to the hearer. It means that we are committed to never living in a way that could become an obstacle to anyone’s hearing and understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a ministry characterized by personal sacrifice, not by compromise. It is a ministry that presents a clear Gospel of repentance and faith.